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SKU: EH2414

Bathroom – Included

Shower – Toilet – Vanity – Mirror - Customise


The Bathroom is the only room that cannot be repositioned. It must remain centre rear in the home. Bathroom includes Vanity, Mirror, Toilet, Shower, Plumbing & Electricals.

Average Bathroom Size - 3000 x 1800mm

Bathroom Window Size – 750 x 500mm


There are included options for the shower – Rectangle, Curved or Curtain (Disability).

Shower Options: Curtain/ Rectangle Size 1200 x 2000mm - Curved Size 1000 x 2000mm

Disability Toilets & Hand-Rails available on request.


Bathroom floor includes either PVC Flooring or Tiles.

PVC Flooring (multiple colours) or Bathroom Tiles (Grey or White).


There is an option to include a 2nd bathroom.

The 2nd bathroom is located directly opposite the first Bathroom - Centre Front.


Washing machines are often located in the bathroom and plumbing can be included.


Water Heater – Additional

The water heater is not included as customers often want to install their own water heater.

We can supply either a 45L or 60L water heater which is normally positioned on the bathroom wall.

45L - $875

60L - $1,125

  • Purchasing & Return Policy

    Please refer to OTTOP  "Purchasing & Returns Policy"  Tab for full details

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